Event Examples and Video Testimonials
Per Event Type
Association Monthly Meeting - Award Ceremony Dinner - Business Market Showcase - Collaborative Workshop - Conference - Evening Event - Forum Debate - Ideation Workshop - Monthly Breakfast Meeting - Pitch Competition (France) - Startup Pitch Competition (Canada) - Tradeshow
Per Industry
Association: Calgary Marketing Association - Social Media Breakfast - Femmes Qui Bougent (France)
Bank: Royal Bank of Canada - Credit Mutuel (France)
Coaching: realLeader Development and Scottsdale Leadership & Coaching Center
Community: Momentum/Thrive - Lebanese Diaspora Energy
Medical: Roche France - Alberta Health Services
Recruitment: Hire Value Inc - Right Management
Software: Proffix
Travel: TendanceNomad (French)
University: Ambrose - Beau Valley College
Cases Study Conference
@ Switzerland, Oct 2024
✓ 90 attendees
✓ Live Q&A for 10 cases in one day

RSE 2600
@ France, since Aug 2023
✓ 150+ attendees
✓ Training with multiple Polls.
Idiscovered DialogLoop by chance and I have to say that it has met all our expectations. It's agile and functional. It provides the interactivity all events need to connect with participants and win their attention. It's a great tool. I highly recommend it.

Keynote Presentation for Partners
Proffix Software für KMU
@ Switzerland, November 2023
✓ 100 attendees
✓ Webinar with Live Managed Q&A.
✓ Post Event Evaluation Survey.
With the launch of our newest version of Proffix Px5, the leading ERP for small and medium businesses in Switzerland, we invited our partners to join the online presentation of the new features. As we didn't just want to engage in one-way communication but also allow for questions during the presentation, we were looking for an easy-to-use Q&A tool. This is how we came across DialogLoop. We received great support when preparing the meeting, which helped us configure the optimal solution for our online meeting. It was incredibly easy to ask questions during the presentation and provide answers promptly.
After the meeting, we used DialogLoop to document the answers in written form as a summary. Additionally, we implemented a questionnaire with DialogLoop to gather feedback from our partners. They appreciated the interactivity and their involvement.
What did we like most about DialogLoop? The excellent support and the easy-to-use tool that combines several features, such as a welcome page, a questionnaire with export functionality, and a categorizable Q&A.

Pitch Competition
@ Vaucresson, France, November 2023
✓ Association supporting Local Women's Entrepreneurship
✓ 100 attendees
✓ Live vote for the best project pitch.
✓ Anonymous vote, Top-3 pitches per vote.
Real Leaders are Resilient
@ Telus Conference Center in Calgary, Canada
✓ Event Organisers testimonial
✓ 1 plenary room
✓ 350 attendees
✓ No technical preparation required: Setup and Go Live during the hour before the event
✓ One printed support to get attendees to connect to the session

LDE 2019: Lebanese Diaspora Energy
@ Beirut, Lebanon
✓ 2000 attendees, and 500 for the conference
✓ DialogLoop focuses on Slide Sharing and Networking
✓ Operated by our partner: Creative Cycle

Soul of the Next Economy Forum
@ Calgary, Canada
✓ 2-day event
✓ Master of Ceremony
✓ 6 rooms and one plenary
✓ 300 connected attendees

@ Lille, France
✓ 1-day event
✓ 140 connected attendees
✓ 40 presenters
✓ 420 slides
✓ 2 Round Table discussions
✓ 2 Masters of Ceremony
✓ Questions Moderation
✓ Setup: 1 PCs driving 2 projectors on 2 large screens

✓ New Calgary Library, Canada
✓ 90-minute session
✓ 165 connected attendees
✓ Live generation of projects using mobile devices
✓ 3 rooms
✓ 3 room manager
✓ Setup: 3 PCs, 3 projectors, 3 screens

@ Calgary, Canada
✓ 1 day event
✓ 50 connected attendees
✓ Pre-survey before the event
✓ Live collaborative content creation
✓ DialogLoop was used to show the slides live
✓ 1 room + Break-out groups
✓ Setup: 1 PC, 1 projector, 1 screen

Startup Pitch Competition
@ Calgary, Canada
✓ 80 attendees
✓ Multiple Speakers
✓ Audience vote to elect best pitch
✓ Setup: 1 PC, 1 projector, 1 screen
@ Calgary, Canada
✓ 3-day Exhibition
✓ 2 sites : booth and amphitheater
✓ Multiple presenters
✓ Setup: 2 PCs, 2 projectors, 2 screens

Ceremony Dinner
@ Maison des Polytechniciens, Paris, France
✓ 80 attendees
✓ Multiple Speakers
✓ Setup: 1 PC, 1 projector, 1 screen

Hiring Event
@ Calgary, Canada
✓ 60 attendees
✓ 5 companies
✓ 1 Moderator
✓ Setup: 1 PC, 1 projector, 1 screen

Breakfast Event
@ Calgary, Canada
✓ Open access to 50sh attendees
✓ Setup: 1 PC, 1 projector, 1 screen

Market Showcase
@ Calgary, Canada
✓ One day event
✓ 100 attendees/Clients
✓ Setup: 1 PC, 2 projectors, 2 screens
Monthly Meeting
@ Calgary, Canada
✓ Evening event
✓ 80 attendees
✓ Experts panel
✓ Setup: 1 PC, 1 LCD screen

General Meeting (AGM)
@ Annecy, France
✓ 160 attendees
✓ Survey before the event
✓ 9 Polls during the event
✓ Setup: 1 room, 1 PC, 1 Projector, 1 screen
✓ DialogLoop™ operated by INNOV'EVENTS agency